DNS Series
This inverter is single-phase, on-grid, compact, and equipped with extensive soft and hardware technology. It is compatible with high-voltage and bifacial solar panels, providing higher yields. The DNS series is designed for sustainability and long life. The following inverters are available in this series: GW3000-DNS, GW3600-DNS, GW4200-DNS, and GW5000-DNS.
DNS G3 Series
This inverter contains various functionalities to optimize energy efficiency, ensure safe operation, and work silently. With a modern design, this inverter offers a flexible solution for homeowners who want to prepare their energy system for the future. The following inverters are available in this series: GW3000-DNS-30, GW3600-DNS-30, GW4200-DNS-30, GW5000-DNS-30, and GW6000-DNS-30.
The product warranty for both inverters is 10 years and can be extended to 15 years.

for installation companies only