Contrary to traditional string inverters, microinverters are installed on the roof behind each solar panel. The fact that microinverters work independently from each other means optimised energy output. The great thing about microinverter technology is that it makes it easy to scale up a solar energy system in the future. And they do not use high-voltage direct current cables, making it a very safe system.
With the IQ7 series, Enphase Energy has launched the 7th generation of microinverters in the Netherlands and Belgium. The IQ7 series of microinverters brims with high-quality technology and is ready for Smart Grid technology. At the Solar Solutions trade show in March 2018, the Enphase IQ7 microinverter series was chosen as the most innovative product in the Benelux countries.
The Enphase micro inverters are available in these variants:
- IQ7+ for 60-cells panels up to 350Wp and 72-cells panels up to 440 Wp
- IQ7X for 96-cells panels up to 460 Wp
- IQ7A for panels up to 380-460 Wp for extra high yield
The standard product garanty on the micro inverters is 25 years.
An Enphase system consists of these parts:
- Micro-omvormers: doordat de micro-omvormers onafhankelijk van elkaar werken, zorgen ze voor een optimaal rendement van het zonne-energiesysteem.
- IQ Gateway (communicatie): dankzij de IQ Gateway staat iedere micro-omvormer in verbinding met de monitoringssoftware (Enlighten).
- Enlighten (software): Enphase Enlighten maakt de werking van het zonne-energiesysteem inzichtelijk voor zowel installateur als eindklant.
- Kabels: de kant-en-klare 2,5 mm² stekker maakt de aansluiting op Enphase micro-omvormers eenvoudig en veilig.
- Accessoires: de framesteun, verbindingsklem en kabelaccessoires zorgen voor een nette en veilige afwerking van het systeem.
Want to find out more?
Especially for solar panel installers, Enphase has created a website with information to make it easier to find the right Enphase product. On this website, you will find brochures, flyers, product information, video tutorials, tips & tricks, and much more. Enphase is also very active in terms of organising events. If you are interested in attending one of their events, please let us know. We will find out for you if and when there are any events near you.

for installation companies only